Symptoms Of Oral Cancer And How It Is Treated
Oral cancer can begin with a benign problem such as a mouth sore which can turn persistent with time. Oral cancer often starts with simple symptoms and negligence and lack of knowledge, it is diagnosed long after the damage has been done.
So, consult a dentist and dental clinic in Sunshine immediately for diagnosis if any of the below-mentioned symptoms surface.
● Unexplained bleeding
● Eroded areas in gums, lips and inside of the mouth, swelling, bumps or crusts.
● Res, white or dotted patches in the mouth.
● Numbness of neck, mouth or face.
● Unexplained weight loss.
● Dryness of throat or prolonged sore throat
● Pain in ears
● Change in voice
● Difficulty in swallowing, gulping, biting, talking or moving jaw or tongue
● A feeling of something is stuck in the back of the throat.
If you observe any of these symptoms for more than 2 weeks, then it's imperative to see a specialist for an oral exam. It is always advisable to get diagnosed in time to be able to get proper treatment.
Treatment of Oral Cancer
Oral cancer is treated in many ways. The dental health care provider from any best dental clinic in Sunshine is the best person to judge the kind of treatment required because it depends on various factors like the type of cancer, location of cancer and how far the cancerous cells have grown or its progress.
If the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, then treatment given is to cure it. However, if the cancer is at an advanced stage, then the treatment aims to control its further growth and help ease the symptoms like pain, difficulty in eating, swallowing and speaking.
There are 3 types of treatments for oral cancer.
1. Radiotherapy: In radiotherapy, high-intensity radio beams are directed at the cancerous tissue to kill the tissue and prevent its further growth or spread.
Two types of radiotherapy are commonly used to treat oral cancer.
● External beam radiotherapy: In this, a radio beam is directed at the affected area from a machine outside the body.
● Internal radiotherapy: In this method of treatment, little radioactive wires or beads are put bedside the cancerous area for a length of time and then are removed. It is also called brachytherapy.
2. Surgery: This is the most commonly used treatment for oral cancer. In the early stages, surgery is done to remove the cancerous tissue and the affected area around it. But in later stages of oral cancer, palliative surgery is carried out on the patient to ease the symptoms like pain and difficulty in eating or talking. The operation is done under general anesthesia.
3. Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is the use of medicines to kill the cancer cells and their further growth. It is generally given alongside major treatments like surgery and radiotherapy. But in some cases, it is given as the sole treatment.
Instead of putting yourself in a life-threatening situation, it is better to take care of your oral health from the beginning like regular brushing, flossing and six-monthly dental checkups. But if any problem in the mouth persists for more than 2 weeks, get it diagnosed by a dentist in the best clinic in Sunshine to receive timely treatment.
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